
Thrivister Academic Coaching

Developing Executive Function Skills How to Do Better In School Organization Time Management

A True Story About Parenting My ADHD Child Part 2

When we see our kids struggling and we aren’t able to get them back on track, we start to lose any semblance of control we thought we had.

A True Story About Parenting My ADHD Child Part 2

In part one of this story, I told you about my sons’ turnaround in school and, even life, if I’m being honest. This success is something I truly attribute to his Executive Function Coach, Michelle. She helped him graduate. I’m not sure that would have been possible without her. Now, he’s thriving as an adult. He found confidence in his abilities to overcome challenges and developed his executive functioning to self-regulate and achieve goals. 


After salvaging that first crucial semester his sophomore year of high school, he was able to start the next semester fresh. Coach Michelle dug in, helping him find ways to organize and use his planner so he didn’t fall behind. She worked on strategies for focus, time management, and follow-through. One of the biggest game changers was her guidance during the day-to-day, holding him accountable without making him shut down or feel shame. 



The joy I felt as a mother, seeing my son reach his full potential is unexplainable. It lit a fire in me. This was something every student struggling needed access to. I connect with the pain and frustration parents and students are feeling because I’ve lived it. My passion to help students was born during that time and it’s why Thrivister exists today. 



There are many reasons a student may have executive function challenges but something I learned more than anything during my own journey, is that executive function skills are the foundation of success. When they suffer, so does a student’s ability to learn, grow and build independence. Tutors and school services are wonderful but without strong executive functioning, significant positive gains are difficult.


Sometimes it takes a team to get our kids back on track. I understand that desire to do it all yourself, but it hurts your sanity(it also hurts your relationship) and it can make your student even less independent. Having a third party come in, who was an expert in this area created the shift I needed. 



So, if we’re being honest, do I think you’d probably benefit from getting expert help from a qualified coach? Of course. Do I also understand that everyone is on their own journey and needs to make these decisions when it’s right for them? Yes, I understand that too. That’s why I want to let you know that Thrivister is more than just a coaching company. We are here to serve students and their parents however we can. So whether you want to sign up for coaching, take our parent course or just read our blogs and educational emails we’re glad you’re here! 



It’s our mission to get students back on track and we want to grow that mission in every way possible. 

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