
Thrivister Academic Coaching

Developing Executive Function Skills How to Do Better In School Organization Time Management

The Best Neurodivergent Planners for High School and College Students

Winter break is a great time to rest and recharge. Self-care is so important but self-care isn’t just about exercise, eating right, and getting enough sleep…

The Best Neurodivergent Planners for High School and College Students

We’ve talked about how there are many different types of planners for neurodivergent brains. But let’s get more specific! Here are the details around planner types that are best for neurodivergent students.  


In general, neurodivergent individuals think and learn differently than neurotypical people. This can include students who are on the spectrum or have ADHD, dyslexia, Dyscalculia, and other learning differences that affect brain function.


Here’s the breakdown and some specific planner recommendations: 


Dyslexia: A student with dyslexia will benefit from using visual aids and color coding to organize their schedule and tasks. They should also try using software or apps that read text out loud. Lastly, large fonts and high-contrast colors can help t students with dyslexia or visual impairments to read and understand their planner better which will definitely improve their consistency using it.



ADHD: A student with ADHD often benefits from using a planner with frequent reminders and alerts to help them stay on track. Using colorful pens and other visual aids can be helpful for people with ADHD because it can make tasks and information more visually appealing and engaging. This can help to increase motivation and focus, particularly when it comes to filling out planners and organizing information. In addition, using visual aids can help to make information more memorable and easier to understand. For example, using different colors to code different types of tasks in a planner can help a person with ADHD to better organize and prioritize their responsibilities. Different layouts like bullet journaling or time blocking can help to break tasks down into smaller, more manageable chunks.

my Homework Student Planner

Autism Spectrum Disorder: A student on the spectrum can find it helpful to use a planner with a clear and structured layout, as well as visual aids such as charts and graphs to help them understand and manage their schedule.



Dyscalculia: A student with a learning difference such as dyscalculia (difficulty with math) might use a planner with tools and resources to help them with tasks that involve numbers, such as budgeting or scheduling appointments.

Academic Planner by Out of Chaos 


Sensory Issues: Planners with raised lines or textured surfaces can be helpful for individuals with tactile sensitivities or who rely on touch to process information.


I hope these tips can help you find the perfect planner for the new semester. It may take adjustments as you go so don’t get discouraged. If one method doesn’t work, try something different. The important part is making sure you don’t give up. What’s funny about using a planner, is that they ALWAYS help you stay on track, and yet, it can be really hard to use one sometimes. These tips should help that!  To warp things up, don’t forget everyone is unique and may have different needs when it comes to planning and organizing. It may be helpful for neurodivergent students to work with a coach to gain more accountability around using their planners and finding the best ways to utilize them. 

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