
Thrivister Academic Coaching

Academic Coaching How to Do Better In School


FAQs About ADHD, Academic and Executive Function Coaching!

We have answers

What if my student doesn't want a coach?

Do you take insurance?

Unfortunately, insurance does not cover academic coaching expenses because they are not considered medical treatments. Coaching may be covered by HSA/Flex spending accounts. Contact your benefits provider for more information.

Students in High School and College

What ages do you work with?

Hopefully in the future, we can expand our programs to create an elementary-specific program but right now, our program is designed specifically for middle school, high school, college, and young adults. Stay tuned!

How long do I need a coach for?

How long do I need a coach for?

Every student is unique and programs that promise certain wins within a set amount of coaching time are not being honest in their approach. Progress relies on many factors such as the coaching plan, your students’ unique struggles, their emotional state, and their belief or buy-in of the process. 


There’s typically a critical time at the start of coaching in the first 90 days, to get back on track. Some students may make progress faster or slower. Most students find that they really like the support and accountability and stick with their coaches long-term.


Over time, students increase their skills and may choose to go with a lighter coaching program as they improve.

What if my student doesn't want a coach?

What if my student doesn't want a coach?

Students are typically resistant to what they don’t know, especially when they are already shutting down as a defense mechanism. In our experience, as soon as they make a connection with their coach and can vent outside of the parental unit, they tend to open up and engage. Overtime, they gain confidence as they start to see the path the coach is leading them on. However, if a student refused to engage with a coach, now might not be the right time for them to start coaching. Sometimes, a student needs to realize that they need help on their own. This could mean more failure or struggle before they’re ready to try something new.

What Are Executive Function Skills?

Strong Executive Function Skills Lead to Higher Academic Performance

Executive function skills are the mental processes that allow us to plan, focus attention, remember instructions, regulate emotions and organize multiple tasks. These skills help students balance school, sports, activities and their social life successfully without falling behind or getting overwhelmed. Wondering what your EFS strengths and weaknesses are? Take the short and easy EFS Quiz below to find out!

Get Work Done!

Go from overwhelmed, stuck and out of control to confident in yourself and your unique abilities to succeed.

Struggling with focus, time management, organization and other executive function skills doesn’t have to limit your possibilities in school and life.
Working with Thrivister will help you get back on track.

Getting Started with Thrivister is Easy


Get Started
Pick your plan and sign up on our website!


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Your coach will help you create a plan


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Get the support you need to achieve success

Don't allow weak executive function skills to continue sabotaging your success in school! Thrivister can help you get back on track!