
Thrivister Academic Coaching

Academic Coaching ADHD Coach Executive Function Coach

Yamile- ADHD and Executive Function Coach

Yamile M.

More About Yamile

ADHD and Executive Function Coach

Yamile was born in Paterson, NJ from immigrant parents, learned the importance of igniting relationships with herself and others when she had to go to 27 different schools and lived in foster homes and shelters until graduating high school.

Growing up facing adversity, it allowed her to become a Resilient Expert and learn about human psychology by first learning and healing herself. She has worked in the educational, training, leadership, and mindset field for over 25 years. Yamile continuously attends and leads personal development seminars to work on and grow herself in all aspects of life.

She realizes that all humans are different, yet they all want to feel seen, heard, and understood. She has developed a way to ignite their own super powers by creating a safe, nonjudgmental space for others to share their struggles. She is able to help them identify what they want to create in their life and career so they work from their Genius Within by eliminating stress and anxiety as they too inspire those around them.

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Thrivister Academic Coaching

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Overcoming anxiety by walking through