
Thrivister Academic Coaching

Academic Coaching

Brian R- Student Profile

Brian Ross, Thrivister Academic Coach

More About Brian

academic and Executive Function Coach

Hi – I’m Brian!  I am passionate about being an academic coach, but aside from that I also love music and have been to a number of jazz concerts along the East Coast, and really do enjoy it!  I could teach people how to cook an amazing soul food meal. With my mom’s family being from southern Georgia and my dad‘s family from Guyana, South America, we have a very unique style of cooking with exotic flavors.  I am a twin and I have traveled to North and South Thailand, Vietnam, Guyana South America, and The Panama Canal.  Over the last few years, I have also gotten into learning more about cars and planes, mostly sports cars and passenger airliners. I find the mechanics very interesting!


I have taught English to immigrants and refugees coming from countries in Asia, Europe, and Africa. When most of the students got to my class they did not even know how to say hello in English. Over time with the help of their teachers, they became very fluent and successful in New York.  My older brother is an amazing golfer and real estate investor. He has played golf for 20 years and plays in tournaments all over the East Coast!   


Everyone tells you that education is so valuable and that you have to work hard to be successful. They aren’t wrong but hard work is, well, HARD. It’s stressful, tiring, and sometimes not very interesting. That’s why I’m here to coach you through the ups and downs. You’ll have successes and you’ll make mistakes. You’ll be confident and you’ll feel unsure. I can guide you toward celebrating the good. We’ll embrace and learn from the not-so-good by turning it around to move you toward your goals!  If you want to meet your goals and have fun while doing it, I would love to work together!

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Thrivister Academic Coaching

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