
Thrivister Academic Coaching

Academic Coaching

Kenzie – Student Profile

Thrivister Academic Coach Kenzie

More About Kenzie

adhd and executive function Coach

Hi, I’m Kenzie! I love hearing about what drives and inspires you to new thresholds. I love seeking adrenaline as a previous college athlete and national competitive alpine racer. When I am not working with students, you can find me hiking, climbing, skiing, traveling, or horseback riding. I have backpacked through the Everest Valley in Nepal while hiking to villages that lead to the Everest base camp. I have also played soccer in Norway at the world’s tournament and trained on the same hill as Lindsey Vonn. I love to be immersed in new and unfamiliar places, seeing what more I can do. 


I grew up in a small ski town where skiing was accessed in our backyard. I love anything that has to do with the ski and outdoor activity world. I was in the tele championships as well as alpine championships growing up. My family also owns a steakhouse in Colorado that dates back to 1862. 


I believe that everyone has unlocked potential that is so unique to the individual. ADHD differs from person to person so what success looks like can vary. You can expect me to have an open mind and have no judgment; I believe everyone should be treated with kindness. As a Thrivister coach, it is my mission to empower students to be able to say “Wow, look how far I’ve come”. 

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