
Thrivister Academic Coaching

Academic Coaching ADHD Coach Executive Function Coach

Lindsay H.- Student Profile


More About Lindsay H.

ADHD and Executive Function Coach

Hi there, I’m Lindsay! I am a quirky, fun person who loves nerdy science puns! Coaching is fulfilling for me because I love finding approachable, fun, and positive ways to make life in a neurotypical world work for those of us who are neurodivergent.



In addition to being a huge science nerd, I love being in nature. Long, leisurely walks in the woods, challenging hikes, and kayak paddles through the New England waterways are where I feel most alive. My interest in biology was sparked when I found my way into several citizen science projects when I was very young, including Frog Watch USA and the Great Backyard Bird Count. Identifying all of the critters around me, from bugs and birds to tracks and edible wild plants, and then learning how all of these living pieces fit into the giant ecological puzzle of the local landscape is an endless source of fascination for me. I am also a certified bird bander, and I use my skills to catch and tag songbirds along the New England coast, contributing to long-term scientific monitoring of migratory birds. 



I am a New England native. I grew up in New Hampshire, where I spent most of my time reading in trees and exploring the woods. I studied for my bachelor’s degree in Vermont, and I also played collegiate rugby for three years. I worked and studied at the University of Rhode Island and the state Center for Vector-Borne Disease  for almost three years, then returned to New Hampshire to teach chemistry and biology for six years. Ironically, although I was homeschooled through grades five through twelve, I ended up teaching in a public school system. Guess I just couldn’t escape the high school experience, huh?



Everyone has a unique perspective in life that leads to different approaches to academic and personal success. I love working with people to analyze how they think in a friendly, open, non-judgmental way to guide and support them in crafting a journey that works for them. My own path to success has had many unusual and unexpected twists and turns, including a late diagnosis of autism in my thirties. My diagnosis has really helped me understand why I have had such an eccentric way of experiencing school and the broader world. My goal is to help as many other neurospicy folks as I can to find their path and thrive as they explore it. As a Thrivister Coach, I will always have your back, celebrate all of your wins, and be your guide through the wilderness to conquer your challenges.

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