
Thrivister Academic Coaching

Academic Coaching Executive Function Coach

Katy F Academic and Executive Function Coach

Thrivister Coach Katy F

More About Katy

adhd and executive function Coach

Katy is a true believer in an individualized approach to academics.
An adaptable and calm coach, Katy is passionate about helping students overcome the academic, behavioral and social challenges that are getting in the way of their success. Having overcome her own significant personal obstacles, she is driven and inspired in her own life through the changes and accomplishments she sees in her students.

Katy lives in Salt Lake City with her husband and three children. She travels as often as possible and loves to cook—often trying new cuisines and cooking for large groups. She stays physically active at the gym or outdoors with her family, and enjoys writing and reading when she has time to herself.

“I am so excited to have the opportunity to support you in your academic journey. I want to help guide you to find your strengths and confidence to better reach your goals. I believe that all things can be enjoyable, so I want to make our coaching experience personal and fun. I want to get to know you and have you get to know me through our journey to your success.

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Thrivister Academic Coaching

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